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Friday, April 29, 2011

Democratic Hypocrisy

If you read my last post on Republican hypocrisy, you will get the feeling that I hate the Republican Party.  And you are totally right.

But, I am no Democrat.  I freaking hate those people, too.

Democrats like to portray themselves as big-business busters, enlightened leaders, and more-advanced individuals.  Well, they're not really any of those things.

You see, Democrats are big fans of big business just like Republicans are.  The only difference is that Democrats like different businesses.  For instance, they get along very well with the "Big 3" car companies.   Why do you think GM and Chrysler got those massive bailouts (that are analogous to Republicans' bailouts of Wall Street)?  Well, because the Democrats controlled the Senate, the House, and the White House; the UAW campaigned heavily to give Democrats control of the government, and the Democrats owed the UAW a favor.  Voila!  Corporate welfare from and for the left.

Additionally, Democrats like to think they are more educated and advanced than Republicans.  (It's crap). They especially become more arrogant with pseudo-studies like this one:,8599,1968042,00.html.

The annoying thing about Democrats' arrogance is that the really smart people typically lean libertarian (not liberal). How do I know this?  I looked it up on Mensa's website.  (Go to "Freed-M" and you will see what I am saying:

(Note: I know that link does not provide a scientific assessment of high-IQ persons' political leanings.  I am not an idiot.  I just assumed Mensa did some internal polling that yielded results that could be summarized in that particular assessment of members being libertarian.  If you want an actual survey, check out the Triple Nine Society's results:  The results there aren't as left-leaning as Democrats might have you think).

Finally, I would like to bring up Democrats' policies.  You see, Democrats typically support "nice" policies such as free health care for all, generous unemployment benefits, and grand retirement outlays.  Does anyone see a problem with an "educated and enlightened" bunch supporting these programs?

I do.  The problem with those programs is that the goals of those programs are essentially anti-evolutionary.  Isn't it amazing that "smart" people like Democrats largely accept the principles of evolution, yet their practices do not match those beliefs?  According to natural selection, sick people should be left to die and the unemployed should be left to starve (and then die); life is all about the "survival of the fittest" after all.  Yet the Dems clearly don't practice any of that.  So, why is there such a discrepancy between beliefs and practices?  You'd have to ask one of them because I am not sure (I have theories, but I will not waste your time with those).

In sum, Democrats aren't as smart or as evolved as they think they are.  They suck, just like Republicans do.

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