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Friday, May 20, 2011

One Thing to Do Today

Evening, all!

I am currently writing letters to my representative and senators in Congress.  My complaints include education funding and health care reform.

I believe everyone should write a letter (not an e-mail) about an important topic(s) and send it to his or her congresspersons.  The only way our politicians will listen to us is if we speak to them.

So, let's start speaking.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Welfare Abuse in Michigan

I would like you all to read this story about greed, selfishness, and unreasonableness:

Leroy Fick is a pathetic individual.  He's arrogant, selfish, and spoiled.  His (and his lawyer's) attitude can be summed up by this quote: "The problem is with the state".  That statement is only half-correct.  The other half of the problem is Leroy Fick; specifically, the problem is Leroy Fick being a greedy, welfare-abusing bastard.

Does it surprise anyone that one of the baby boomers would stoop to this low of a level?  It doesn't surprise me one bit.  After all, the boomers do form the "greediest generation ever", according to Thomas Friedman.

Anyway, food stamps and similar programs are for the truly needy.  These programs are meant to make sure that Americans (especially youngsters) aren't starving and dying on the streets.  Welfare programs are not for

Leroy Fick is, in my book, one of the greediest persons in America.  I believe he belongs right up there with Republicans, Democrats, derivatives traders (especially SLABS and oil-futures traders), the UAW, the RIAA, professional athletes, and celebrities.     

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Brief Look at the Iraq War

I decided to talk about the Iraq War today after watching the film "The Hurt Locker".

Honestly, if you have never seen the film, please go do so.  It is disturbing, intriguing, and, according to some veterans, somewhat accurate in terms of the addiction to the adrenaline rush that comes with dismantling bombs (see: Marine Lance Corporal Nate Knowles, who lost a leg to an IED in Afghanistan, actually said of the film: "I think everybody should watch it and see how things really are".

Sure, the director of the film took liberties with the movie in terms of proper signification of ranks and solider actions.  But, as stated in that article, many of the emotions portrayed in the film are spot on in terms of what soldiers feel while they're in Iraq, and when they come home.

So, please watch the movie.  And, when you're done, thank a veteran.

A Great Youtube Video for High School Students About College

Okay, teenagers.

I want you to watch this video: It is one hour long, and, I must say it is a worthwhile investment of your time.  

The video is pretty preachy (and not totally right about the whole "hyperinflation" thing).  But, I still mostly agree with the message: college is way overpriced and it may not even get you a good job anymore.  

If you are still considering where to go to college, you should seriously consider community colleges.  Or consider a trade school.

Honestly, I don't want you to suffer the indecencies of our college financing system.  You will graduate with at least $30,000 in debt, you probably won't get a job that pays that off for years, and you will lose four years of income while you're working towards a degree.  And, if you run into tough times, there is no help for you: there are no bankruptcy protections for private or public student loans.

I believe you would be better off working, saving your money, and then traveling the world.  You will learn much more and learn it all cheaper.

If you want to learn about a particular scholastic discipline, you have a fantastic resource: the Internet. Use it to educate yourself.

In essence, everyone has a degree nowadays.  Since everyone possesses a degree, each degree's value is minimal.  It's not called a "B.S." for nothing:  given the number of people who are college-educated today, a degree is bullshit.

Higher education is a business now.  It is not about teaching students how to think, start a business, or manage finances.  It is about making money for administrators, coaches, and lenders.  Your educational needs and desires are secondary to profit.  Do you want to go $30,000 in debt for that?