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Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Look at a Nation with Integrity

Evening, folks!

I was cycling through the USA's top news sites when I came across this great story on (Fox News does have some legit stories, haters):

Just in case you have been under a rock the past couple months, Japan was rocked by a massive earthquake and tsunami on March 11th.  Even though Japan is one of the most-organized and diligent countries in the world, the nation is still trying to get its economy and infrastructure back on track.

And despite the fact that Japan lost 18,000 people, the Japanese still had the decency to send supplies to their struggling allies in Alabama.  Alabama has had horrible issues with tornadoes over the past 10 days or so; at least 238 people are dead.  It's just such a nice gesture of the Japanese to help their friends out even though they are having troubles with their own nation.

I admit, I have always been a huge fan of Japanese culture.  I spent five months living in Osaka (it is a city of 7 million people in the western part of the main island), and I can say that the Japanese are some of the hardest-working and nicest people you will find.    

In sum, given that we live in a country that has a hard time telling friend from foe (I'm talking to you, Pakistan), it's just nice to know that we still have some friends in the East.  I hope that my generation keeps our alliance strong with these noble people: Japan and the USA will both benefit in the future.

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